Our Community
Every couple of years, Grange Big Local creates a plan that maps out our agenda for the next few years. Each plan is grounded in extensive consultation with our community, making sure that residents' voice stand at the centre of our work.
2023 -2026 plan.
Our latest community profile.
Annual reports.
Our 2023-2026 plan outlines our agenda for the next three years. It's a community-owned manifesto for change that is rooted in the conversations we've had and the relationships we've nurtured in our community.
It's a plan that builds on our past successes and brings together much of our work to date, revolving around four key themes:
Our Residents Can Flourish
Our Environment Can Blossom
Our Economy Can Grow
We're really excited about this next chapter for our patch of East Finchley.
If you want a bit of backstory to the Grange Big Local journey, have a read of our past plans.
Grange Big Local works to a plan that is based on local consultation and research, which is then agreed with Local Trust.
Over the course of Autumn 2019, we did a huge offline and online community survey, as well as speaking to people in the street, at community events, and at local groups and organisations. The resulting document was our updated Community Profile which we used to inform all of our future plans.
You can find our previous Community Profile here.
We report on our work by producing annual reports - read them below.